Student Research Workshop collocated with ACL 2018, Melbourne, Australia

Paper Submission Deadline: April 8, 2018

General Rules for Submission

The ACL 2018 Student Research Workshop (SRW) provides a forum for student researchers who are investigating various areas related to Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. The workshop provides an excellent opportunity for student participants to present their work and receive valuable feedback from the international research community as well as from selected panelists - experienced researchers, specifically assigned according to the topic of their work, who will prepare in-depth comments and questions in advance of the presentation. The workshop’s goal is to aid students at multiple stages of their education: from those in the final stages of undergraduate training to those active with graduate thesis research. The SRW invites two types of submissions:

  • Research Papers: completed work or work-in-progress along with preliminary results. We encourage submissions from Ph.D. students, as well as Masters or advanced undergraduate students.
  • Research Proposals: for advanced Masters and Ph.D. students who have decided on a thesis topic and are interested in feedback about their proposal and ideas about future directions for their work.

This year we provide two mentoring programs:

  • Pre-submission Mentoring: the goal is to improve presentation of the student’s work, not to critique the work itself. Mentors will provide feedback in the format of guidelines and suggestions to improve the overall writing.
  • Mentoring for Accepted Papers: mentors will be responsible for providing feedback to students and preparing in-depth comments and questions prior to the workshop presentation.

Important Dates

  • Pre-submission mentoring deadline: February 26, 2018
  • Pre-submission mentoring feedback: March 19, 2018
  • Paper submission deadline: April 8, 2018
  • Review deadline: April 25, 2018
  • Acceptance notification: May 2, 2018
  • Camera-ready deadline: May 21, 2018

Submission Requirement

All papers consist of up to five (5) pages of content, plus unlimited references. Upon acceptance, will be given six (6) content pages in the proceedings. Authors are encouraged to use this additional page to address reviewers’ comments in their final versions.

To submit your paper or proposal, please use the Softconf SRW submission page

The deadline for submission is April 8, 2018.

The SRW invites papers on topics related to computational linguistics, including but not limited to:

  • Cognitive modeling and psycholinguistics
  • Corpus development and evaluation
  • Dialog and interactive systems
  • Discourse and pragmatics
  • Document analysis including text categorization, topic models, and retrieval
  • Natural language generation
  • Information extraction, text mining, and question answering
  • Language-inclusive multimodal integration
  • Linguistic theories for NLP
  • Low-resource or endangered languages
  • Machine learning
  • Machine translation
  • Mathematical models of language
  • Multilinguality
  • Phonology, morphology, and word segmentation
  • Resources and evaluation
  • Semantics
  • Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
  • Social media: Twitter, blogs, discussion forums and other social media
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Speech, prosody and spoken dialog
  • Summarization
  • Tagging, chunking, syntax, and parsing
  • Vision, robots, and other grounding applications

Further details of the submission guidelines are available at the ACL SRW site.

Student Chairs

  • Vered Shwartz (Bar-Ilan University)
  • Jeniya Tabassum (Ohio State University)
  • Rob Voigt (Stanford University)

Faculty Advisors

  • Wanxiang Che (Harbin Institute of Technology)
  • Marie-Catherine de Marneffe (Ohio State University)
  • Malvina Nissim (University of Groningen)


The organizers of the workshop can be contacted by email at

More details can be found at the SRW main site.


We expect to have grants to offset some portion of the students travel; conference registration and accommodation expenses. Further details will be posted on the SRW website.